How Do I Stay Cool when Packing & Moving During Summer Move in West Hollywood, CA?

Planning a move and concerned about timing? There is no better time than the present to schedule your move. In fact the summer months offer a ton of advantages including extended daylight hours and more opportunities to take time off for a family vacation, especially with the kids being out of school. The knowledgeable experts at Excalibur Moving & Storage have prepared the following tips to make your move day as stress free and productive as possible during the peak of summer.

How Do You Stay Cool when Moving in Summer?

Start moving early in the day – In order to avoid rising temperatures, plan to start your move early in the morning before the heat reaches its peak temperature. The sun, and the rising heat is usually at its highest between 11am and 3pm. Planning an early morning move will give you the advantage of working in an environment that is as many as 10 degrees less than temperatures predicated for later in the day.
Wear light, comfortable clothing – When planning for a summer move, consider wearing loose fitting, light weight clothing that is also breathable. Cotton for example does not only breath it also absorbs sweat while allowing for evaporation to help you stay dry as you get ready for your move. Select light colored clothing for traveling, whites and neutral colors in particular reflect light while dark colors have a tendency to absorb heat. Don’t forget to grab your hat and a pair of sunglasses.
Drink water when moving – Keep a good stock of bottled water on hand for your move day. Making sure you stay hydrated is extremely important when moving during the summer especially when you are lifting luggage and packing your vehicle for the move ahead. As a general rule, you should plan on keeping the utilities on in your former residence while also arranging to connect the utilities in your new home. Moving into a home that is cool and comfortable is a welcome reward at the end of your trip.
When moving, wear sunscreen – You should always protect yourself during the moving process by using sunscreen and paying particular attention to your face, ears, neck, hands and feet. Select a sunscreen with an SPS that is at least 30 or higher and one that is also water resistant. For optimal results, be sure to reapply your sunscreen every couple of hours or so.
Know symptoms of heat stroke – Understand and learn the symptoms of heatstroke to keep you and your family safe as you plan, pack and travel for your move. Overheating and other heat related issues include the following symptoms, elevated body temperatures, nausea, headache, dizziness, weakness, fainting, muscle cramps, and confusion. Be sure to keep plenty of bottled water on hand to stay hydrated and consider keeping some cold towels on hand to keep your body temperature from rising.

Local & Long Distance, Residential & Commercial Moving in Los Angeles County, CA & Beyond

To learn more about professional moving services, contact the knowledgeable experts at Excalibur Moving & Storage today and talk to a customer service expert about the best options for planning your summer move.

Our Headquarters & Storage Facility is in Chatsworth, CA. We have Locations in Santa Monica & Los Angeles, California

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