What are Common Moving Mistakes in Carson, CO? How Long Before Leaving Should You Pack & More

Becoming an adult can be overwhelming for many people. One day you are at home with your parents taking care of you and the next minute you are living on your own and in charge of yourself. The further into adulthood that you get the more you realize that you are capable of handling it on your own. As new situations pop up you have to continue learning how to make adult decisions. Moving is one thing that most adults are not prepared for the first time that they do it on their own. Here at Excalibur Moving & Storage, we have helped plenty of young adults overcome some of the mistakes that can be made during the moving process. We are going to pass on some of the most common mistakes that are made when people are moving.

How Long Before Leaving Should You Pack?

One of the most frequent mistakes that we see if that people do not leave themselves enough time to pack. Packing all of your belongings can take more time that you think. Underestimating how long it takes to go through each and every room in your house is a common mistake that people make. People will start packing to prepare for us to come and pack them up and then realize that they are never going to get it done in time. Thankfully Prodigy Moving does offer packing services if you find yourself in a jam at the last minute.

How Early is Too Early to Start Packing?

Mistake number two also has to do with packing. In an effort to ensure that you do not run out of time to pack, you start packing too soon. You are doing so great that before you know it you have packed up all of your items just to find out that you still have a few weeks before the big move. If you have left out all of the daily necessities this is not a problem. Unfortunately most people do not leave out the items that they need. This results in them having to unpack boxes to find the things that they need to survive until the move or they have to go to the store and pack purchases that they were not planning on. If you want to pack ahead of time make sure that you plan ahead for the things that you need until moving day gets here so this does not happen to you.

Consider Size of New Place when Moving

Next up on our list is not properly planning out your new space to accommodate all of your belongings. Every house has a different amount of space and floorplan. When you move from one house to the next sometimes your belongings do not fit as well in your new home as you anticipated. This forces you to have to get rid of furniture the day of your move. On the day of your move you do not want to have to take the time to figure out how to solve the problem of furniture that does not fit. You may want to consider taking time to measure the home in your new space to make sure that everything will fit. Then if you need to get rid of something you can do it before the big day.

Local & Long Distance, Residential & Commercial Moving in Los Angeles County, CA & Beyond

We hope that these tips help your moving process go a little smoother. If you have any questions about moving Excalibur Moving & Storage is always here to help!

Our Headquarters & Storage Facility is in Chatsworth, CA. We have Locations in Santa Monica & Los Angeles, California

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