You may not realize how much stuff you have in your house until you decide to move to a new place. That’s when you take a look around and wonder how in the world you accumulated all of your things. As you start to pack things up, you might be wondering if there is any way to sift through your belongings and leave some things behind. The answer to that is a resounding, yes! Excalibur Moving & Storage is here to share some tips that will help you weed out things that you aren’t willing to move to your new house and which items you are.
Consider Weight
One thing that is important to think about is the weight of your belongings. You need to think about weight, volume and distance. If you’re making a long distance move, you might want to leave behind the extremely heavy items that are going to be problematic. Things like heavy books, bulky recliners, and even smaller, but heavy appliances that you just don’t use especially often. These items might not be worth moving if you are moving a long distance.
Think About Mattresses & Bulky Furniture
If you have a large number of mattresses in your house, you might want to leave some of them behind as well. They take up a lot of room in the moving truck and can be incredibly heavy. If the mattresses that you’re moving are especially old, you might be ready to get rid of them when you consider the dust mites and dead skin cells that they have accumulated over the years. The same goes for large or bulky furniture. You might not have the room or the manpower to get those to your new house. This might be a good time to consider some changes for the new house.
Large Appliances have Got to Go
Some people might be especially attached to their fridges, freezers and other appliances. These can be tricky and difficult when it comes to moving them to a new house. If you are selling your home, you might be able to use them as a negotiating piece with the buyers. Many buyers are happy to keep the existing appliances rather than buying new ones. Washers and dryers can also be better left behind as well.
Shed the Clothes
If you are like many people, you have several articles of clothing that you haven’t worn for years in your closet. You might want to go through your clothes and take this opportunity to shed the clothes that you are finished with. You can either sell them or donate them to someone that might be in need.
Local & Long Distance, Residential & Commercial Moving in Los Angeles County, CA & Beyond
If you are getting ready to move, there is no one that is in a better position to help you than the professional movers at Excalibur Moving & Storage. We will ensure that your move is as smooth as possible as we help you start your new life in your new location. Call us today!